
Yonatan Winetraub

Co-Founder, Spaceil

Yonatan Winetraub is co-founder of SpaceIL, a $100M Israeli non-profit organization that is attempting to land the first private interplanetary robotic mission on the Moon on April 11, 2019. A key goal of this mission is to inspire the next generation of space researchers and to promote STEAM education and scientific exploration. To date, SpaceIL has reached over 1M children. Yonatan has spoken about space technology and radical shifts in the space industry to audiences all over the world. Yonatan is currently a PhD candidate at Stanford in Biophysics studying a method to interpret and intercept cancer cell communication. In addition, he was part of the International Space University Program at NASA Ames studying how we can create Martian colonies utilizing shelter and water from Martian lava caves. He studied Electrical Engineering and Computational Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University focusing on how regions in the brain collaborate to create our emotions.