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Billion-Year Archive.

Dreams for tomorrow.
Missions for today.
The FOUNDATION Library (SpaceX, 2018)
Our first mission was launched by SpaceX on the Falcon Heavy Test launch and is now entering an orbit around the Sun for millions of years. This first Arch Library contains Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy.
The Lunar Library I (SpaceIL 2019)
The first major installation of the Lunar Library is a 30 million page archive that flew on the SpaceIL Beresheet Moon lander, in 2019: It is now believed to be intact on the Moon.
The Lunar Library II (Astrobotic, 2024)
The Arch Mission Foundation is delivering the second installment in the Lunar Library,™ containing additional content, in an upcoming mission with Astrobotic to the lunar surface. Learn More >
The Global Knowledge Vault (Hagerbach, 2024)
The First Major installation of the Earth Library, located inside the Hagerbach deep underground research facility in Switzerland. Learn More >